
Articles (154)


Sunday, 30 December 2012 18:54

how to develop dotnetnuke module using template

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following are guidelines to develop modules
for dotnetnuke 5/6 with visual studio 2008/2010 -

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you may want to show dynamic data from a page when
mouse is placed over a button.

Saturday, 22 December 2012 13:56

how to specify help in

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to display the help and let the users easily get help
whenever they need it you can call the Help.ShowHelp
method in your form.

Sunday, 23 December 2012 13:55 caching

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(0 votes) caching helps you to create high performance applications.
you can cache objects like DataSets,or your created can
also do page level caching if you used user controls in the page
if your aspx page includes lots of work.

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when you run application project from visual
studio,visual studio uses their development server.
It's not the right way to develop appication.

Saturday, 22 December 2012 13:55

master pages in

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master pages creates a common look in your application.
if we think about the header and footer in our pages,we
create these header and footer in every aspx pages.this
method has disadvantages.if there were any custom page
which dynamically adds header and footer then would be

Monday, 06 January 2014 16:24

Dont know which database is used by your Joomla site?

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Its easy to find name of the database used by our joomla website. Just open your root directory via FTP, access the file configuration.php from the root folder.
Last modified on Monday, 06 January 2014 20:15
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in coding giving proper names to methods,classes,controls,
variables,others is neccessary and good programming practice.
think that a method name-show button click.

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When you installing new components, modules, or plugins to your joomla site it occurs 'Could not find an XML setup file', its because your extension file is corrupted.
Last modified on Monday, 06 January 2014 20:16
Sunday, 23 December 2012 13:56 http handlers

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all handlers implement the interface of IHttpHandler located
in the namespace of System.Web.ISAPI(Internet server application
programming interface) extensions are somehow analogous to Handlers.

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