Saturday, 22 December 2012 14:55

how to send mail from .net

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beginners of .net programming can't guess sometime that
how easy is sending mail through .net.there are many ways
to do that.but i am writing here the easiest method to send
mail in c# with .net.It doesn't involve a lot's of coding.
all is built in and no more components.

the format for that can be System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Text
or a alternative - System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html.

following static function shows how to send mail easily.

public static void Email(string To_Address, string
From_Address, string Email_Subject, string Email_Body,
System.Web.Mail.MailFormat Format){
System.Web.Mail.MailMessage Sender = new
Sender.From = From_Address;
Sender.To = To_Address;
Sender.Subject = Email_Subject;
Sender.Body = Email_Body;
Sender.BodyFormat = Format;

integrate it in your program with all the fields and enjoy.

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