html & css (10)
how to prevent drag-drop and copy-paste text in textbox
Written by Super Userit's needed that you may want to prevent a drag-drop
value from your web page and copy paste text in
your textbox control.this error is reported
most of the time.
you have tried to show data in the asp.net textbox
control and wanted that user will not be able to
modify data in the textbox or cursor will not be
shown in the textbox or other technical reason
then this tips can help you -
how to remove html tags from html string in client side
Written by Super Usersometimes needed that html tags from a html string
to be removed.there are many purposes to do that.
there are many ways this can be achieved in client side
using jquery and javascript -
Many sites using facebook comments in pages/under post to get remarks/comments from their users and
gaining more popularity and interest
using online paypal buy button for paypal payment
Written by Super Useryou can use online paypal buy button in your page
for receiving online paypal payment.when users click
this buy button they will enter in payment page
for payment.
Many websites using facebook like button in every pages to make their site more social and got around.
if you have a asp.net web page which is derived
from a master page then you may have trouble
using a form inside your page.It happens because
of your master page using a form.It's a little tricky
to be able to use another form which you need to use.
you have to use a javascript line for that.
Sass is called css pre-processor which reduces repetitionÂ
of css codes and this way saves time.Â
The HTML5 <canvas> element draws graphics via JavaScript.
How to give rounded corners to a element using css
Written by Super UserIn CSS3 it's possible to give elements roundedÂ
corners using the border-radius property.