joomla (12)
how to get data from database and display in joomla
Written by Super UserIt's quite common to get data from joomla database table.
By the following way i show how to get data as a objects
list and loop through the list to display data in web page -
It's a very common to get joomla module's setting parameters in
code to process the module.It's easy but sometimes things
become complicated if you don't find the right way to do
session is a essential part of joomla. It's main use
is for remembering user login, also there are many
usage of it.
How to embed html or other codes in a Joomla article?
Written by Super UserIt's very common purpose when it comes to insert advertising scripts
or other html codes in a joomla article.you can easily create a plugin
which can insert your code after title or content or before content
of the article.Following way i demonstrate how to achieve
this great task -
You have to change the Text Filters setting to "No Filters" for all users in global configuration and must make the text editors to none after that add the paypal code button script. It works fine...
Problem Solved.
with Cheers,
It's required that you configure your joomla SMTP settings so that joomla is able to send
email when user registered or different mailing functions works for other components and modules
like k2, CB....
In this post i show how to configure joomla 2.5/3 smtp settings properly.
Solution "Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to database"
Written by sreeram   Warning! Failed to move file.