Articles (154)
how to show data when mouse is over a button using jquery ajax with progress image
Written by Super Useryou may want to show dynamic data from a page when
mouse is placed over a button.
.Net framework 3.5 sp1 contains more features than
previous .net framework versions like 2.0,3.0,3.5
how to limit the maximum number of characters in textbox control
Written by Super Userlimiting the number of characters in a textbox control
is tricky and useful.
the two functions in the codes mainly used to do that.
these two functions are-Limitvalidation and get_object.
how to create php multidimensional array to be accessed by javascript
Written by Super Userits a tricky part to create a php multidimensional array
which will be accessed by javascript function.most of the
time it's confusing.i am going to show how to solve the
problem -
List<> can be used as a collection of objects which
can be accessed by index.List originated from
System.Collections.Generic class.List objects can
be sorted,searched,manipulated.so List is very
useful in programming for holding any type of
objects.following shows a example of List<> -
how to use ajaxcontroltoolkit to show Datalist items details
Written by Super UserIf you want to show DataList control's each item's
details when clicked in the 'details' link then
there is a easy way to do that is to use
Ajax is the best technique for showing & updating
data without page refresh.
jquery ajax make things possible easier way.in this
post i will show how to pass data via jquery ajax
and get back data.
how to read from a file according to querystring using Stream
Written by Super Userif you want to read get/read data from a file according to
querystring using StreamReader then following codes will
help you.It is very useful in some case.here i get data from
a ashx file according to query string i pass to the file -
how to resize or make thumbnail image in asp.net
Written by Super Userby the following way you can resize a image to a predefined
dimension and resolution.you can also use it to make a image