
Articles (154)


Saturday, 03 August 2013 22:50

how to add products in virtuemart in joomla

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Virtuemart 2 for joomla is a very good extension to sell products
through website.To add product manually by code, they have doc on
how to use the Api to achieve this, but it may be hard to implement
there Api to add product.So i show here how to do that without using
Api but the simpla way using sql queries -

Sunday, 23 December 2012 13:54

c# exception handling

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It's a good idea to identify the errors at run time to detect
and handle it. .Net framework has built in mechanism for that.
these exceptions occurs because of user,logic and system errors.

Sunday, 30 December 2012 15:58

how to add dynamic column field in GridView control

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you can easily add dynamic column in GridView control
with data.there are many dynamic fields you can add
like hyperlink field,bound field,etc.

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You can show wall posts of any public facebook page/group/profile
using Graph api in your website if you know javascript & jquery.

Last modified on Monday, 19 August 2013 14:36
Tuesday, 15 January 2013 13:56

how to add captcha in page

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A CAPTCHA is a program which tells whether its user
is human or computers.

follow the steps below to add captcha in your web form
easily -

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(0 votes) makes it easy to export tabular data to excel file.It's
easier to use GridView control data to export to excel.the following
codes shows how u can achieve this along with some header info at the
top of the data rows in excel -

Saturday, 03 August 2013 22:37

how to generate facebook access token

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Facebook access token is needed whenever you access
facebook stream of page or profile, Graph api call to post
to facebook.there are many ways by which you can generate
access token.By the following way you can create short lived
access token for a user as well as extend it to long lived
token -

Friday, 21 December 2012 13:56

Array of objects in c# programming

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There is a big difference in creating array of
objects in c# from c++,java.creating an array
of objects involves two step.

Friday, 02 August 2013 23:19

how to post to facebook wall by facebook dialog

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Facebook dialog is a great way to post to a profile/page wall.
There are many dialogs in faceook developer doc page -
Tuesday, 25 December 2012 13:56

c# directories and files

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in windows invironment,the file system is splited into directories
and files.files holds the actual data,but directories are
storage for logical listing of files in the deal with
files and folders(directories),CLR uses System.IO namespace.
the classes used are File,FileInfo,DirectoryInfo,Directory.

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