how to prevent running multiple application instances same time
Written by Super Userif you want to prevent running multiple instance
of the same c# application then check the
following lines.It's sometime necessary to prevent
running multiple instances of the same application.
how to add scripts and styles in wordpress admin page
Written by Super Userin your custom page in admin dashboard.If you don't follow these rules you
might see errors and it's not a good idea to declare script and styles without
this kind of some pre-defined actions.
If you don't want to save cookies and histories for certain activities
and for security purposes while browsing then Press CTRL + Shift + N,
which will launch new private browsing for Chrome, CTRL + Shift + P will
do it for Firefox and IE.
short codes, but if you want to inject/modify content in post in more
advanced manner then there is a alternative is using filter
naming conventions for Class, Variable, control, other names in code
Written by Super Userin coding giving proper names to methods,classes,controls,
variables,others is neccessary and good programming practice.
think that a method name-show button click.
running application under local IIS server from Visual studio
Written by Super Userwhen you run application project from visual
studio,visual studio uses their development server.
It's not the right way to develop appication.
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