Friday, 02 August 2013 23:12

Some tips on Web Browsing

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how to use private browsing?

If you don't want to save cookies and histories for certain activities
and for security purposes while browsing then Press CTRL + Shift + N,
which will launch new private browsing for Chrome, CTRL + Shift + P will
do it for Firefox and IE.
how to automatically add www. and .com to a URL?

Save some seconds typing in a URL by simply clicking CTRL + Enter after you typed
name of the site in browser.If you need ".net" instead ".com", press CTRL + Shift + Enter

how to bring back a closed tab?

it's very very useful when you accidentally closed a tab, so to bring it back,
simply press CTRL + Shift + T to reopen most recently closed tab.For further
pressing, it will bring back more recent closed tabs.
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