Saturday, 03 August 2013 22:52

how to protect yourself while online

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Nowadays internet is being part of our life.So you need to
be cautious when you browsing internet.Following are some
guidelines to be safe -

1.verify encryption of data

When you are sending confidential information over internet
from websites, verify that there is small lock icon
before/after of address bar in your browser window.It
means the url has https:// at the begining for data

2.Use a strong password

Always use strong and different passwords for your web accounts.
if you forget password that link will help you -

3.Be cautious where you browsing inernet

you may browse internet from your school,university,office,
cyber cafe,friends house.Those computer may use kind of logging
softwares to record usernames and passwords you use to login
to your web accounts.So try not to save passwords info in those
computers.Also try to browse privatey using ur browser like in
firefox/chrome browsers there are private browsing options.

4.Phising Scams!

be cautious about phising scams(,
a technique to steal your information.Many popular sites like amazon,ebay,
paypal,facebook are their targets.

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