how to use ajaxcontroltoolkit to show Datalist items details
Written by Super UserIf you want to show DataList control's each item's
details when clicked in the 'details' link then
there is a easy way to do that is to use
CollapsiblePanelExtender. has default password recovery control and methods
to implement password just need to use membership provider in your app and add the
PasswordRecovery control in a page by which you want
to recover password.
how to show progress before image loading using jquery
Written by Super Userthis post will show how to implement image loader in any page.
basically i will show a loading image per image before image
is loaded completely in the page.
the base keyword is used to access base class
members inside derived class.
accessing access database in csharp dot net application
Written by Super Useraccess database file is easy to use than sql server
or MySql server databases.for accessing access db
System.Data.OleDb namespace used.following are
steps are needed to use access db in .net
Ajax is the best technique for showing & updating
data without page refresh.
jquery ajax make things possible easier this
post i will show how to pass data via jquery ajax
and get back data.
how to read from a file according to querystring using Stream
Written by Super Userif you want to read get/read data from a file according to
querystring using StreamReader then following codes will
help you.It is very useful in some i get data from
a ashx file according to query string i pass to the file -