using online paypal buy button for paypal payment
Written by Super Useryou can use online paypal buy button in your page
for receiving online paypal payment.when users click
this buy button they will enter in payment page
for payment.
short codes, but if you want to inject/modify content in post in more
advanced manner then there is a alternative is using filter
Dont know which database is used by your Joomla site?
Written by sreeramall handlers implement the interface of IHttpHandler located
in the namespace of System.Web.ISAPI(Internet server application
programming interface) extensions are somehow analogous to Handlers.
naming conventions for Class, Variable, control, other names in code
Written by Super Userin coding giving proper names to methods,classes,controls,
variables,others is neccessary and good programming practice.
think that a method name-show button click.
On insalling extension it occurs 'Could not find an XML setup file' error in Joomla
Written by sreeramIt's required that you configure your joomla SMTP settings so that joomla is able to send
email when user registered or different mailing functions works for other components and modules
like k2, CB....
In this post i show how to configure joomla 2.5/3 smtp settings properly.