Tips (106)
following is the list of online websites which
contain online books,a lot of study material-
how to set default operating system and run startup programs when computer starts
Written by Super Userthen following ways you can set which will be run as default when
computer starts -
Menu items opening a 404 Page Not Found error in joomla?
Written by sreeram-    Open your configuration.php file and edit the var $live_site = ' '; line to match the actual URL of your website. If your website is http://yourdomain.com for example, the line should look like this:
-    var $live_site = 'http://www.yourdomain.com ';
Following are some SQL questions and answers, you may require it.
Sass is called css pre-processor which reduces repetitionÂ
of css codes and this way saves time.Â
Why is my computer running slow? Let's solve.
Written by Super UserThere are few reason for which your windows computer runs slow. Here are most common reason and their solution.
There is 2 build in way to take a screenshots on windows operating PC. Let's take them.
If You want to become a good web developer,Â
you have to learn to write secure code perfectly.Â
A php array is called a special variable, which is able to holdÂ
more than one value at a time.
Howdy Amigo!
Today I am going to share another tricks for beginner PC user.
IDM is by far the most popular Download manager in the world.
Almost every PC user use it around the world. But the problem is, it is not a free software.
Here is how you can use it for free!