Tips (106)
using online paypal buy button for paypal payment
Written by Super Useryou can use online paypal buy button in your page
for receiving online paypal payment.when users click
this buy button they will enter in payment page
for payment.
Many websites using facebook like button in every pages to make their site more social and got around.
Solution "Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to database"
Written by sreeramshowing gradient colored background in application form
Written by Super UserIt's nice to show cool gradient color as a
background color of the form in c#.net desktop
application.you can set different colors.
in some way these codes will help you very much if you need
to know file extension.
method below returns true if extension are any of the following -
   Warning! Failed to move file.
how to register scripts and styles in wordpress
Written by Super UserIn wordpress there are some definite ways to add scripts and styles
in your custom plugin.If you don't follow these rules you might
encounter numerous problems specially related with jquery.
how to create tables using scripts with databaseOwner and objectQualifier
Written by Super UserIt's a professional logic to use the databaseOwner
and objectQualifier values when creating tables
else you will not be able to identify the tables
in databases with ease and gain other benefits of it.
HttpCookie is a very good way to store small amount of data
in asp.net application/website.you can access cookie value in
any page once set in a page.cookie can stay for long time in the
user's computer.
It's a necessity too when plugin is activated or deactivated