
Tips (106)

Saturday, 03 August 2013 22:58

Some internet browser shortcuts

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There are many internet browsing shortcut keys for browsers.
Following are some of them which are most common -

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following method will return the host name/domain name -
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sometimes needed that html tags from a html string
to be removed.there are many purposes to do that.
there are many ways this can be achieved in client side
using jquery and javascript -

Saturday, 29 December 2012 13:54

how to display plain text removing all html tags

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if you having a lot html strings,you may want to
have only plain text removing all html
can do it using REGEX

Saturday, 19 January 2013 15:54

how to make textbox height according to content

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if you want to resize your textbox height according
to content then these codes will help you perfectly.

Monday, 08 April 2013 13:55

how to check whether checkbox is checked or not

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there are many ways to do of them is as
follows -

You need to check if the value of the checkbox is
set or not by isset function of php.

Friday, 08 March 2013 13:55

how to join two tables by Left Join sql

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there are different kind of joins available by sql like
inner join,left join, the following example i will show
how to do left join which i used in my application to
get data from two tables -

Wednesday, 19 December 2012 13:55

how to attach and detach databases in sql server

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connecting local MDF database files to sql
server management studio express is easy to do.
following are the steps to do so -

Thursday, 09 January 2014 23:00

how to add facebook comments in website

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Nowadays, facebook became the great social media  to promote businesses and for personal matters.
Many sites using facebook comments in pages/under post to get remarks/comments from their users and
gaining more popularity and interest
Tuesday, 05 March 2013 13:55

how to use membership provider for login

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using membership Probvider you can easily
make a user login using username and password and redirect to
default or any page by the following way -

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