Saturday, 29 December 2012 13:54

how to display plain text removing all html tags

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if you having a lot html strings,you may want to
have only plain text removing all html
can do it using REGEX

the following example shows how to do that -

string obj = "<b><i>The is test string</i></b>";
Regex regexObj = new Regex("\\<[^\\>]*\\>");
Response.Write(String.Format("<b>was: </b>{0}", obj));
// the HTML Text
obj = regexObj.Replace(obj, String.Empty);
Response.Write(String.Format("<b>now: </b>{0}", obj));
// Plain text as output

this program finds the Regex string and is replaced
with empty make it more clear in
understanding,suppose a string is - "<li>test</li>"
then after the program the output will be simple
"test" as plaintext.

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