
Tips (106)

Saturday, 03 August 2013 22:52

how to protect yourself while online

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Nowadays internet is being part of our life.So you need to
be cautious when you browsing internet.Following are some
guidelines to be safe -

Friday, 10 January 2014 18:02

Joomla for your Community website

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Need to create your own community website and confused with what tool to use. Just use Joomla with follwing components.
Last modified on Friday, 10 January 2014 20:25
Thursday, 26 December 2013 15:50

how to delete a option in wordpress

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It's sometimes needed to delete a plugin option of your plugin.
It's a necessity too when plugin is activated or deactivated
Last modified on Thursday, 26 December 2013 15:54
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 13:15

how to use datalist commands

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if you placed datalist command buttons as -

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" DataKeyField="CommentId" runat="server"
<asp:LinkButton ID="Edit" Text="Select" CommandName="Edit" runat="server" />
<asp:LinkButton ID="delete" Text="Approve" CommandName="Delete" runat="server" />

Thursday, 26 December 2013 15:41

Admin setings page in wordpress

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You made a cool wordpress plugin and you want to have some settings
for you plugin.To achieve this you have to create a admin settings page
accessible from wordpress admin dashboard.
Sunday, 30 December 2012 13:54

how to use form in another form in a web page

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if you have a web page which is derived
from a master page then you may have trouble
using a form inside your page.It happens because
of your master page using a form.It's a little tricky
to be able to use another form which you need to use.
you have to use a javascript line for that.

Friday, 17 January 2014 08:03

Install Joomla on your site directly

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It is easy to install joomla automatically in your cpanel once you get the service from the provider. Just follow the following steps to install joomla
Last modified on Friday, 17 January 2014 20:32
Sunday, 30 December 2012 13:56

how to assign specific role when user registers

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using membership provider user
registration is done by the CreateUserWizard
control in the Register.aspx page.

Saturday, 04 May 2013 13:54

using HttpCookie in application

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HttpCookie is a very good way to store small amount of data
in application/ can access cookie value in
any page once set in a page.cookie can stay for long time in the
user's computer.

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we know how to use membership provider.
most of the time we create membership tables
manualy.But those tables can be created
automatically by adding a line in the membership
provider configuration in web.config file.

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