Saturday, 14 September 2019 08:04

How to check Computer Specification

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Whether you want to upgrade your PC or sell it, you have to know your PC specification first. So that you can understand which hardware you need to upgrade or give full specification for selling ad.

 It's quite easy to know this. You can simply right click on "Computer" (or This PC or My Computer)

and next click on properties. This way you will get basic information of your PC.

To get all specification of your PC, follow this method.

First, click on Windows or start button.

Now, start typing "System Information" on search box, when you see "System Information"

desktop app, just click on it. System Information window will open. You will see all necessary

information such as Windows(Operating System) name and version, system name, manufacturers,

mode, type, processor, bios, ram and many more.

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