Saturday, 14 September 2019 08:35

7 easy steps to clean all junk cache data on windows 7

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Howdy friends! Today I am going to share how you can clean all junk cache data in easy way.

You probably know that junk cache file make our Computer slower. Using 3rd party app like CCleaner to clean this junk also

use your ram. So I am sharing a easy way to clean those dust without any 3rd party apps.

Many of you might know this, this is for those who don't know this yet.

 1. First of all, click start button, then search "disk cleanup". You don't have to type all, write click on "Disk cleanup", next click on 'run as administrator'. Next a popup menu will open, select the drive you want to clean, click ok. Windows will start to calculate how many data it can delete. After few minutes a popup will appear. Then just click on "ok" to delete file. You can run this for other drive too.

2. Now press "Windows key(start) + r" to open run command. Now type "prefetch" and press enter. Next you need to have administration access. Just click 'continue' or press enter. Prefetch folder will open. Now select all file in prefetch folder and delete this. Without closing this window, go to step 3.

3. While prefetch folder active, just press "Backspace" or click on "Windows" in address bar to go to windows folder. Now open Temp folder. You can press "t" on keyboard to easily locate this. Open temp folder, select all and this. Now if you press and hold "Shift" while deleting file, the file will be deleted permanently. You wont have to delete again from recycle bin.

4. We have to clean another "temp" folder. Easiest way to find this folder is run command. Press "Start + r", type "%temp%" and press enter. Select all file and delete this permanently.

5. Now again go to start menu, type "disk" to find "Disk defragmenter". Right click and run as administrator. On Disk defragmenter window, select c drive and click on analyze. After completing analyze, you will see how many percentage file are fragmented on this drive. If you never run this, you might have high percentage. To defragment this file, just click on the "Defragment Disk" and they will be defragmented in few minutes.

6. Another way to clean your hard disk is error checking. To do this-

Open Computer. Right click on C drive, click properties.

On properties menu, click on tools, next click on "check now". Tick all check disk option and press enter. You can't check disk when your pc is running. So click on Schedule Disk Check.

Now restart your PC and disk check will start. This process takes some time. So do it when you are free. And you don't need to check your disk everyday. Do it once or twice in a month.

7. Now one last tip. Don't keep too many file on desktop, that will slow your PC to start. And keep your Recycle Bin clean.

If this post help you, thanks me in the comment and share with your friend. If you don't want to comment or share, that's also fine. Have a nice day.

Read 1515 times Last modified on Sunday, 12 June 2022 15:29
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