Thursday, 26 December 2019 16:54

How to reboot/restart any windows PC/Laptop

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What is Rebooting a PC?

A reboot is the method to restart a device or PC to close all the running and start again. A reboot or restart may required after your installation of a new program or apps, uninstalling a program or updating apps or system.

Even you can reboot a PC to solve various minor problems.

  How to reboot or restart a Windows PC?

To reboot a PC there is few ways. Lets learn few of them.

1. After closing/minimizing all running program, just press Alt+F4, this key combination close any active window. If you are on desktop(no active window), Alt+F4 will open the power menu. By default "Shut down" is selected. To restart pc, click on dropdown arrow and select restart. Press ok and PC will be restarted.

2. Another way to restart your PC is start menu. Press windows or start. The start menu will open. In windows 7 and below version you will a 'shut down' button on right bottom. Click on the arrow and select restart, PC will be restarted. For Windows 8 and 10, there will be power option. Just click on Power, then select restart.

3. The fastest way to reboot a PC is Just pressing 3 keyboard keys. Ctrl+Alt+Del. Confirm rebooting amd your PC will be rebooted soon.



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