Motherboard (MoBo)
Graphic Card (GPU)
Memory (Ram)
Storage (SSD or HDD)
PC case
Power Box
Keyboard, Mouse, Sound box
Lets Learn about them.
1. Processor
The processor (Central Processing Unit) is called the brain of a computer. It is the second most important hardware for gaming performance, just after the Graphic card. For all other performance, it is the most important hardware. If you want to build a PC not for gaming, then your main focus have to be on processor.
Most important things to know about a processor are its clock speed, cores, and threads. Clock speed is a measure of processing speed per second. Its measured as gigahertz (GHz). Cores are usually assigned to different tasks in your PC, but apps can use multiple cores at once. Threads used to correspond to cores.
2. Motherboard (Mobo)
Motherboard connects all others hardware together. After picking your Processor, you have to choose a compatible Motherboard.
3. Graphic Card (GPU)
The Graphic Card(Graphics Processing Unit) will be the most important component for gaming performance. It also effect in Graphic Design work as well as Video Streaming.
4. Memory (RAM)
RAM (Random Access Memory) is the 3rd important component for PC performance. Instead of using 1 high size RAM, we recommend to use 2 small size.
5. Storage (SSD or HDD)
Storage store all necessary file of PC. SSD is stand for Solid State Drive. HDD is stand for Hard Disk Drive. As it reads SSD are much faster than HDD. And SSD is also expensive than HDD.
6. PC Case
PC is the box which store all internal hardware.
7. Power box
And you also need a power supplier for your PC.
8. Monitor
You surely know what Monitor's do. It display output.
9. Keyboard, Mouse, Sound Box
So you learn all the necessary things to build a gaming PC.
Here is our recommended hardware list to build a gaming PC within $900.
 1. Intel Pentium G4560 Dual-Core $82
 2. Asus Micro ATX H110M-K $73
 3. ZOTAC GeForce® GTX 1050 Ti 4GB GDDR5 Graphics Card $300
 4. 2 GeIL Super Luce DDR4-2400MHz 8GB Desktop RAM x $39 = $78
 5. Samsung 860 EVO Series 2.5" 500GB SSD $75
 6. Choose a stylish PC case around $50
 7. EVGA 500 BR 100-BR-0500-K1 500W $57
 8. Choose a Monitor around $100
 9. Choose Keyboard, Mouse, Sound System $85
Total $900 (Price may little differ)Â