Monday, 28 January 2013 14:24

how to show content on a tiny box popup

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sometimes it's needed to show some content or image
in popup on a button click.tinybox is the cool and nice
way to that efficiently.

this will show content in smooth popup along with animation
when popup is loading,content are loading...

following is a good example on how to do that -

at first add tinybox.js script reference along with jquery
script reference can download tinybox script file
from tinybox website.if you did not find contact me.

then in script section add -

$(document).ready(function () {

var content2 = "<img src='../content/content.jpg' width='251px' height='266px' alt='securityCode' />";
T$('testclick1').onclick = function () {, 0, 0, 0, 1) }


add the following html codes in page -

<div id="testclick1" style="color: #3278f9; cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;">

<b>where is my card code?</b>


when clicked in above text tiny box is shown as a popup with content..

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