Thursday, 26 December 2019 16:33

10 tricks & tools to browse Internet Securely

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To browse Internet securely and anonymously means that your data is secure and at the same time your data can not be used to trace you. 

 As a general user, everything you do online is tracked. There are many reasons for that you might be won't mind being tracked as well as reasons why you might not be fine with it.

Without any further ado, let's use the best 10 tools to browse safely.

1. HTTPS Everywhere

HTTPS is the secure version of the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Nowadays most of the website use HTTPS. To force use HTTPS in every site use HTTPS Everywhere browser plugin.

2. Beware of Browser Plugins

Popular browser like Chrome and Firefox allow plugin to increase their functionality. Don't use unknown plugin as they can be dangerous. Use Chrome store or Mozilla Addon store for trusted plugin. And before installing plugins, read their privacy policy carefully. 

3. DuckDuckGo

Google is the most popular search engine. But if you don't want to be tracked use DuckDuckGo.

4. Cookies

Cookies are used to perform several complex tasks such as keeping your login credentials, card details, location, So choose where you want to allow cookies and where you don't.

5. TOR browser

TOR is a free and open source software that allow you to browse  Internet anonymously and securely with their encrypting IP service.

6. VPN

VPN’s are the easiest way to change your IP and encrypt your data. But best VPN aren't free. There is a lot free VPN use them as your own risk.

7. ProtonMail

Popular email service providers like Gmail, yahoo Mail ask you to submit personal information which is shared within their community. If you don't want that use ProtonMail.

8. Mobile Network 

Using phone data connection is a secure way to browse internet. Because a unique IP address is given to you each time you connect to it.

9. Anonymous Digital Payments

To remain anonymous while make payments, use gift cards and cryptocurrencies. 

10. Public Wi-Fi

If you use Public WiFi you will get a temporary IP and hence will be untraceable. But make sure that your machine isn't sharing data with other connected devices.

Even following all  this method you can be still tracked. So Don't Trust the Online World much. Don't Share Sensitive information.


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