wordpress (14)
wordpress related posts
Making a contact form is very popular in wordpress.Â
Following code shows how i made a contact form.
WordPress normally not allowing you to add Php codes to pages and posts, It's where shortcodes comes in. when a shortcode is encountered within post text then any custom php codes can be executed.
how to create wordpress child theme and customize
Written by Super UserWordPress has the ability to create child themes so that child theme gets the characteristics of a parent theme. Child theme allows you to use and edit a master theme, save the child theme separately without affecting the parent theme.Â
To Developed a Wordpress new theme, we need to create too many templates and files such as index.php, style.css, functions.php. To create this all necessary files we have to spend some time. It's annoying to all of us to copy or code this all the time. There is a very nice website to generate a Wordpress Starter theme easily. If you are an Experienced Wordpress Theme Developer, you probably already knew about this site. Who don't know how to generate Starter Theme follow this steps.