Wednesday, 19 December 2012 13:44

Organizing files in folders in VS solution project

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when you build a software make sure that you built it by object oriented way
and you organized your files in folders as following way - solution explorer to open solution explorer window in visual studio

2.right click on the project->Add->NewFolder.

3.rename your folders as DAL(means-Data access Language),DAO(data access objects),
Ui(user interface),Utility(extra things to make project understandable),Gateway,
Manager, needed your object(student,customer etc.) class files in DAO folder because
DAO means Data Access this way place all files which relates to
accessing data,retrieving data... all Form design files in UI folder because it means User interface. all files in Utility folder which are used to enhance program like displaying
the status message when a new customer info form is filled successfully. this way you can organize others files into specific folders according to their
meaning & tasks. thing-all data access folders including DAO folder will be placed under DAL folder
for clarifying that those are under DAL.

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