Super User

Super User

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 13:56

how to print a part of page

it is easier to print part of page.the part of the page
may be under a div or can achieve this from code
behind file too as per i showing only
in page lavel - makes it easy to export tabular data to excel file.It's
easier to use GridView control data to export to excel.the following
codes shows how u can achieve this along with some header info at the
top of the data rows in excel -

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 13:54

how to disable cache in any page

you may read many article in web about how to make a page
not to be cached using meta tags like that in the head
section -

by the following way you can resize a image to a predefined
dimension and can also use it to make a image

if you want to get the selected index or text of a
RadioButtonList using jquery then use the codes below -

the following codes will help you to implement check all
or uncheck all capability in the that case
when header check box checked all items check box will
be checked and vice versa.

many times when file download button inside updatepanel and you use
Page.Response methods for file downloading then things not go right
in some cases.

Its easy to implement OnCheckedChanged event of RadioButton
control but most programmers makes mistake by not
including AutoPostBack="True" property in radiobutton
control.sometimes OnCheckedChanged not works for that are the full working codes -

Its a common requirement.most developers want to show/hide
panel/div on a button click in datalist item.this post
will help everyone -

most developers have been facing the problem that pages
not appears same in different browsers.mostly internet
explorer makes problem than other browsers.

to overcome that probelm different style sheets for different
browsers is a good approach -

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