asp.net (47)
asp.net articles
reading html file using StreamReader class by c#
Written by Super Userif you want to read the content of any html file then
this tips can help you.StreamReader is used to read
the file and store data in Stringbuilder.you can modify
the Stringbuilder according to your need.
how to get selected row values from a Gridview control
Written by Super Usersometimes we need to show the selected row values of a gridview.
in this article i am gonna show how to show the values in
textboxes by c# programming language.
how to show jquery popup from code behind on page load asp.net
Written by Super Useryou may want to show smooth jquery popup when user visited
your site or on a button click in any page,etc... from code behind.
i am here sharing codes for showing popup using jquery properly -
to properly export website data to previous version of excel
use the following example as a proper starting.one can export to
using 'Response object + gridview' but its not efficient and have some
how to show/hide panel on button click in datalist item
Written by Super UserIts a common requirement.most developers want to show/hide
panel/div on a button click in datalist item.this post
will help everyone -
following are some practice problems for c#.net
programmers.teachers try it in classes.students
or novice c# programmers solve those problems to
practice c# programming in -
exporting to data in excel is a very common practice
in business website.one can use asp.net Response methods
to export to excel which is easy to do using a gridview.but
contents not appear properly like there will be white back-
ground over excel rows and this way is not efficient too.
If you used itemtemplate for items in datalist control then
you can easily delete,edit and then update items
using edititemtemplate.to do that add a itemtemplate and
edititemtemplate in the datalist.also you have to add
command buttons and command event handlers -
how to download file when file download button inside updatepanel
Written by Super Usermany times when file download button inside updatepanel and you use
Page.Response methods for file downloading then things not go right
in some cases.
how to add dynamic column field in GridView control
Written by Super Useryou can easily add dynamic column in GridView control
with data.there are many dynamic fields you can add
like hyperlink field,bound field,etc.