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Saturday, 14 September 2019 08:29

Activate windows 10 in the most easiest way

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Greetings all!

You all know genuine Windows 10 software is a costly things to buy. Not everyone

can afford it or willing to pay that much money for that. Microsoft co. also know this.

So they keep a weak link in their all Windows version so that it can be activate freely.

 So it's legally illegal to use cracked version of windows.

If you afford then please buy this Microsoft. Else follow this Simple step to Activate your Windows 10.

Step 1

There may have a lot more tools to do this, but I personally used this tool and recommend everyone to use this. This tool is called 'KMSPico'. First download this from below link.

Step 2

To use KMSPico, you have to disable Windows firewall. To disable firewall, clicl on start menu and search for "Defender". Then open the 'Windows defender' apps. Click setting, and turn off 'Real Time Protection'.

Step 3

Now extract the KMSPico file and install it. Use 12345 password to unzip it. Go to start and search kmspico. Open it and just Click on the red button. Wait for a moment and you are done!

You can use this tool to Activate more Microsoft product such as Microsoft Office, Office 365 etc.. Thanks for reading this. Have a nice day!


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