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Thursday, 26 December 2019 16:50

Report spam and Unsubscribe from Spam/annoying Email in Gmail

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Sometimes we have to sign up using Gmail in various site to use their services. Many of those site keep sending us mail. That's is really annoying to many of us! What should we do to get rid of those unwanted Email? Very simple, just report them as spam and unsubscribe them. Who don't know how to do this keep reading.

 How to report spam and unsubscribe 

First, open in a new tab. As your inbox already opened, check or select those unwanted mail. To select a specific website email, just search for it. Next click on the top ribbon white box to select all search results.

After selecting those emails, there will appear few more icons on top ribbon(menu). Click on the exclamation mark on the top ribbon.

'Report spam and Unsubscribe message' will pop up on your screen. There is two option; 'Report spam & Unsubscribe' and 'Report Spam'. Click on Report spam & Unsubscribe. You won't receive new  email from them.

As you click on Report spam & Unsubscribe option, the selected email will be moved from your inbox to spam folders. Spam folders automatically deleted after 30 days. To delete them manually, open spam folders from left side menu. Click on 'Delete all spam message now'.

Thus we  can unsubscribe and delete annoying/spam email.

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