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Friday, 18 January 2013 13:55

how to send email by dnn sendmail method and create custom NavigateUrl

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you can create custom navigate url in dotnetnuke to send the url or
use it as a querystring in another page by the following way -

string newValue = Globals.NavigateURL(this.TabId, "", new string[]
{ string.Format("ModuleId={0}", ModuleId.ToString()),
string.Format("ItemId={0}",Itemid) }); }

here newValue holds the url.

To send email using dotnetnuke use dnn built in method which uses
dnn SMTP settings to send email.most common parameters of this method
are -

DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMail(PortalSettings.Email, ToEmail, "",
"new notification", "Name - " + NameTextBox.Text.Trim() + "<br/>Comment - " +
NCommentTextBox.Text.Trim() + "<br/>Posted On - " + DateTime.Now+
"<br/>Comment Link - " + newValue, "", "html", "", "", "", "");

here ToEmail will be the email to which email will be send.after that
you can add as many parameters as you want to send as email body.

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