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Sunday, 30 December 2012 13:56

how to publish database file as a script file with data

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If you want to publish your database from one database
server to another,sql server database publishing
wizard can do that.without downloading it you can
use visual studio to publish your db as .sql script
file.then you can run this script file in another
sql server to get the database with all tables and data.
I show you how -

1.from visual studio go to view menu.from there click
server explorer

2.right click on data conncetions then select add connection.
add connection dialog box will appear enter your server use sql server
authentication(or windows) then user name and password.

4.then select the database below and click
will see the conncetion appeared under Data connections. to publish database as script file right click
on the connection then select publish to provider.
database publishing wizard will appear.

6.then clicking next after next complete all steps by
selecting your database and location where to publish
the script, last step click finish then
your script file will be generating. this script file in any blank database to
get the copy of your database.

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