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Super User

Friday, 02 August 2013 23:12

Some tips on Web Browsing

how to use private browsing?

If you don't want to save cookies and histories for certain activities
and for security purposes while browsing then Press CTRL + Shift + N,
which will launch new private browsing for Chrome, CTRL + Shift + P will
do it for Firefox and IE.
If you have multiple operating systems in your windows computer
then following ways you can set which will be run as default when
computer starts -
Monday, 08 July 2013 22:47

how to use session in joomla

session is a essential part of joomla. It's main use
is for remembering user login, also there are many
usage of it.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013 16:33


Tuesday, 25 June 2013 13:11


post url changed - go to home page

and find your post.

Thursday, 20 June 2013 18:41

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About us

This website was formed to provide tech articles,tips,community,events,discussions,extensions,business relationships and more..
Users contribution towards articles,tips submission and discussions is greatly appreciated

Contact us

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skype/yahoo - mridulcs

when you submit form with input and select
controls,the values of these controls are
passed with form.we get these as POST var-

there are many ways to take date input in
is a simple way to take date input as string and
extract the individual parts of the date as day,
month,year values.this values can be used for
different purposes -

Saturday, 18 May 2013 13:55

how to redirect to a page in php

in php there is a command which is used
to redirect to a page from a page.the following
codes shows hot to achieve this.

the following codes show how to create dynamic
check boxes according to database data.also the
tricky part is that whether a check box will
be checked or not can be done by the code '$checked'.

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