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Super User

Tuesday, 25 December 2012 13:55

Text reader and writer in csharp

this article covers how to read,write data through
textreader and textwriter.

limiting the number of characters in a textbox control
is tricky and useful.

the two functions in the codes mainly used to do that.
these two functions are-Limitvalidation and get_object.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012 13:56

c# directories and files

in windows invironment,the file system is splited into directories
and files.files holds the actual data,but directories are
storage for logical listing of files in the deal with
files and folders(directories),CLR uses System.IO namespace.
the classes used are File,FileInfo,DirectoryInfo,Directory.

most of the time we need to create reports while dealing
with statistical data or finacial data.statistics should be
available to download.this statistics or reports should be
in a easily understandable format like excel file format.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012 13:54

how to create Own Exception Classes in

for creating own exception class,you have to derive your class
from System.Exception class.also you have to implement all
constructors which base class create own
exception class follow the requirements/recommendations

sometimes we need to show the selected row values of a gridview.
in this article i am gonna show how to show the values in
textboxes by c# programming language.

A digital photo is a multidimensional array containing numbers
that indicates the color of points in the photo/ we could
do what we want with this multidimensional array like we can
make any amendments in the array by entering it into math functions,
also we can encrypt the this article i am gonna show you
how to place a background behind a photo using a method.

Monday, 24 December 2012 13:54

.net remoting in c# application

to create and use the object instances on remote machines .Net remoting
is used,without any DCOM involved.

this article will cover .net remoting with common hosting method in IIS.

Monday, 24 December 2012 13:56

validate credit card in c#

Nowadays credit cards are used in online transactions.almost all
kinds of online transactions involve credit cards & debit cards.

Monday, 24 December 2012 13:55

stored procedures

stored procedures allow flexibility by offering capabilities like
conditional logic.a single procedure may execute a set of SQL
statements which are really complex.

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