Super User

Super User

It's a very common requirment that you may want to
insert ad codes or some other texts in a joomla article
or elsewhere.I am going to show how it can be done so
that if you want some text like "{replace it}" will be
replaced by your code -

Saturday, 03 August 2013 22:41

how to get joomla module parameters

It's a very common to get joomla module's setting parameters in
code to process the module.It's easy but sometimes things
become complicated if you don't find the right way to do

how to insert data in specific joomla table? this way -
Saturday, 03 August 2013 22:37

how to generate facebook access token

Facebook access token is needed whenever you access
facebook stream of page or profile, Graph api call to post
to facebook.there are many ways by which you can generate
access token.By the following way you can create short lived
access token for a user as well as extend it to long lived
token -

You can show wall posts of any public facebook page/group/profile
using Graph api in your website if you know javascript & jquery.

Nowadays soial media like facebook is in almost
all websites.
You may want to show all comments or limited number of comments
for a facebook post in your website(not in facebook).Using Graph api
it can be done easily.Follow my codes here, then details below -
Any one can comment,like a facebook post from a website
outside of facebook.following codes shows how one can
implement that in their website.
Facebook dialog is a great way to post to a profile/page wall.
There are many dialogs in faceook developer doc page -
Facebook Graph Api enables to post to any public page/profile wall
on behalf of any user.In the following codes i show how using
fb javascript sdk-

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